
Introduction: Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative illness that mani-fests itself clinically and pathologically.Objective: To identify the various patterns of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) in adults.Methodology: A hospital based observational study was conducted in the Depart-ment of Neurology Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre (JPMC) Karachi, Pakistan from May 2018 to November 2019.Cases with complaint of memory impairment and/or cognitive impairment, with or without behavioral changes were included in the study. Acute delirious state uremia / hepatic encephalopathy hypo / hypergly-cemia and hypo / hypernatremia were excluded diagnosis. The main outcome measures were clinical patterns of AD with age and sex distribution, affective disor-der with cognitive impairment (Pseudo dementia) and affective disorder without cognitive impairment.Results: A sample of 51 cases (36 males and 15 females) with memory impairment was included. Age’s between 25-85years (mean 57years). Out of 51 cases 44 had probable /possible Alzheimer’s disease (AD) 03 had affective disorder with cogni-tive impairment (pseudo dementia), 04 patients had affective disorder without cognitive impairment. Among probable / possible cases of AD 23 (52.27%) had multi infarct dementia (having history of past cerebrovascular disease), same sta-tistics among Parkinson’s patient’s i.e. diagnosis was Parkinson’s disease with memory impairment were 18 (40.90%) followed by alcoholic dementia in 03 (6.8%). There was no definite Alzheimer’s disease case in this study.Conclusion: Vascular dementia not the definite Alzheimer’s disease is the com-monest memory impairment type presentation in our study. Among Parkinson’s disease patient’s dementia was found quite high in our study.Keywords: Alzheimer’s disease (AD), Vascular dementia (MID), Parkinson’s disease (PD), Cognition, Memory .

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