
Bipolar disorder (BPAD) is a serious mental disorder characterized by episodes of depression, hypomania/mania and mixed episodes, with interepisodic recovery. However, many patients with BPAD continue to exhibit residual symptoms in the interepisodic period. The illness usually starts in adolescence or early adulthood and has significant negative impact on the life of the sufferer and their caregivers. Patients with BPAD encounter educational difficulties, job related problems, interpersonal difficulties, psychosocial dysfunction, disability, marital problems, multiple suicidal attempts, completed suicide and medication side effects. Additionally patients with BPAD have high rates of physical and psychiatric comorbidity. The prevalence rates of BPAD vary from country to country. A large multinational study suggests that lifetime prevalence of BPAD-I ranges from 0-1% with a mean of 0.6 (SD-0.4). The prevalence rate of BPAD-II ranges from 0 to 1.1% with a mean of 0.4 (SD-0.3). Additionally a significant proportion of patients have been shown to have subthreshold BPAD with a range of 0.1 to 2.4% with a mean of 1.4 (SD-0.8). There is no nationwide study to evaluate the prevalence rates of BPAD in India. In a country like India, patients have limited resources, poor knowledge about the disorder and treatment; have inadequate access to the health care facilities, which makes treatment of BPAD a challenge. Indian Psychiatric Society (IPS) made first attempt to formulate Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPGs) for management of BPAD in 2005. Since then, over the last one decade there have been several developments, especially in the form of emergence of new evidence for some of the pharmacological agents. Accordingly, these new guidelines attempt to update the previous guidelines published by IPS. These guidelines should be read along with the earlier version of the CPGs, published by IPS in 2005.

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