
Facial-nerve paralysis is seldom seen and may occur because of a broad spectrum of causes. The most commonly seen cause of facial paralysis is the Bell palsy; iatrogenic causes and tumors are relatively rare. Facial asymmetry, drooling, garbled speech, and difficulty in feeding: all adversely affect the psychosocial conditions of the patients. Fascial and tendon sling procedures may be performed for the static treatment of the unilateral permanent facial paralysis. These techniques are used both for the correction of the asymmetry of the face, especially by providing static support for the corner of the mouth, and to prevent drooling. Microstomia after a sling procedure is not a previously observed complication in the literature. A patient is presented with the surgical management of the complication of microstomia that had risen because of a static treatment of his unilateral facial paralysis via a tendon that passes circularly through his orbicularis oris muscle. Oral rehabilitation thereafter was maintained with the support of dental implants and fixed prosthodontics. The most efficient treatment protocol was decided with an interdisciplinary consultation of the oral and maxillofacial surgeon, the plastic surgeon, and the prosthodontist.

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