
Canine peritoneal larval cestodiasis (CPLC) is a little-known parasitological infestation of the peritoneal cavity of wild and domestic carnivores with Mesocestoides spp. larvae. While adult Mesocestoides tapeworms reside within the small intestine, the larvae occasionally penetrate the host’s intestinal wall, causing a potentially life-threatening peritonitis. Severity of infection as well as the host response influences the prognosis significantly, and early diagnosis and treatment are essential. However, due to the lack of specific symptoms, this condition is underdiagnosed and, furthermore, no clear effective treatment has yet been described. The aim of this study is therefore to report two clinical cases of CPLC in dogs and to illustrate their clinical presentation and follow-up to serve as a reference for clinicians and researchers alike. Both animals were presented with abdominal distention as their main complaint. They underwent clinical examination, abdominal ultrasonography, abdominocentesis, and laparotomy followed by biochemical, cytological, parasitological, and molecular examination of the collected samples. After surgical lavage, the dogs received anthelmintic treatment with either fenbendazole (FBZ) or praziquantel (PZQ). Overall, timely and prolonged administration of high doses of FBZ seems to be the most effective treatment method. Irrespective, to date, no treatment capable of complete eradication of the infection and prevention of recurrence of disease has been found. In conclusion, further investigation into appropriate treatment plans as well as diagnostic development is needed.

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