
Objective: establishment of clinical and psychometric features of youth depression with attenuated symptoms of the schizophrenic spectrum (ASSS) for early differential diagnosis and nosological assessment.Patients and methods: clinical and psychometric examination of young 219 inpatients (average age 19.6 ± 2.4 years), first admitted to the clinic “Mental Health Research Centre” from 2011 to 2020 with the first depressive episode with ASSS. Control group of inpatients (52 patients) with “classical” youth depressions without ASSS (average age 19.6 ± 2.4 years). Diagnosis according ICD-10: F32.1, F32.2, F32.28, F32.8.Results: the psychopathological structure of youth depression with ASSS is characterized by the following types: (1) depression with attenuated psychotic symptoms (APS), which were divided into the subtype (1a) depression with APS and (1b) depression with brief limited intermittent psychotic symptoms (BLIPS); (2) depression with attenuated negative symptoms (ANS), comprising two subtypes (2a) with most emotional damage and (2b) with volitional impairment, and type (3) with attenuated symptoms of disorganization (ASD) in the structure of depressive episode. Clinical and reliable psychometric differences have been established between depressions with ASSS and «classical» youth depressions without ASSS. Conclusions: youth depression with ASSS is definitely different from “classical” youth depression without ASSS. Differences have been found in the psychopathological structure of youth depression with ASSS, resulting in a typological differentiation.


  • Results: the psychopathological structure of youth depression with attenuated symptoms of the schizophrenic spectrum (ASSS) is characterized by the following types: (1) depression with attenuated psychotic symptoms (APS), which were divided into the subtype (1a) depression with APS and (1b) depression with brief limited intermittent psychotic symptoms (BLIPS); (2) depression with attenuated negative symptoms (ANS), comprising two subtypes (2a) with most emotional damage and (2b) with volitional impairment, and type (3) with attenuated symptoms of disorganization (ASD) in the structure of depressive episode

  • Clinical and reliable psychometric differences have been established between depressions with ASSS and «classical» youth depressions without ASSS

  • Differences have been found in the psychopathological structure of youth depression with ASSS, resulting in a typological differentiation

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Резюме Цель: установление клинико-психопатологических особенностей юношеских депрессий с аттенуированными симптомами. 16 шизофренического спектра (АСШС) для создания их типологической дифференциации. Пациенты и методы: клинико-психопатологически и психометрически обследованы 219 больных юношеского возраста (средний возраст 19,6 ± 2,4 года), впервые госпитализированных в клинику ФГБНУ «Научный центр психического здоровья» (НЦПЗ) с 2011 по 2020 г. Группа сравнения включала 52 больных с «классическими» депрессиями юношеского возраста без АСШС (средний возраст 19,6 ± 2,4 года). Установлены клинические и достоверные психометрические различия между депрессиями с АСШС и депрессиями без АСШС в группе контроля. Выводы: юношеские депрессии с АСШС достоверно отличаются от «классических» юношеских депрессий без АСШС. Установлены различия в психопатологической структуре юношеских депрессий с АСШС, что послужило основанием для создания их типологической дифференциации. Клинико-психопатологические особенности юношеских депрессий с аттенуированными симптомами шизофренического спектра.

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