
There are certain difficulties with diagnosing of poliarteritis nodoza, that is explained by the folllowung factors: non-specificity of the initial symptoms, polymorphism of clinical manifestations, the abcence of specific laboratory markers. Тhe diagnosis is made primarily on the basis of the clinical picture, that becomes apparent during the first three months of illness. The abcence of a detailed clinical picture does not exclude the presense of poliarteritis nodoza. It may be explained by the concomitant pathology, in this case periodic illness (familian mediterranean fever). Due to medical literature data, poliarteritis nodoza is surely associated with periodic illness. The prevalence of poliarteritis nodoza in general population is about 6 on 100 000 people.The prevalence of poliarteritis nodoza among the patients suffering from periodic illness is 1%. The patients when they are diagnosed polyarteritis nodosa in association with periodic illness are younger than the patients when they are diagnosed only polyarteritis nodosa. It turned out to be interesting that the treatment of patients with polyarteritis nodosa in association with periodic illness through glucocorticoid drugs in the combination with colchicines proved to be successful and resulted in remission.

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