
Objectives: Describing clinical features, complications and evaluation of treatment results caused by Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV) at Bachmai Hospital from January 1, 2018 to December 31 2019. 
 Subjects and methods: retrospective study. 67 patients Admitted at Bachmai Hospital, having realtime PCR - VZV with positive test result and VZV - IGM positive diagnostic serum test. 
 Results: Among 67 cases of VZV disease, the majority were females, accounting for 61.2%, the median age was 29 years old, 56.7% had background disease, of which 16.4% of systemic lupus erythematosus, 4.5% cancer. There are 64.2% of cases remember not being vaccinated. Only 3.0% remember having had chickenpox before. The disease caused by VZV is clinically diverse, 70.1% (47 cases) showed chickenpox disease, 25.37% (17 cases) showed water burn injury in the shingles scene and 4.5 % (3 cases) showed meningitis with no burn lesions on the skin. Uncomplicated chickenpox 29.8%, complications of chickenpox commonly encountered dermatitis and soft tissue 19.4%, complications of meningitis combined with cord paralysis 7 or common in shingles scene. As a result of treatment, 86.6% (58 cases) had no sequelae, 3.0% (2 cases) had no sequelae of consciousness disorder, and up to 10.4% (7 cases). Consolidation) serious request for return, death is recorded. 
 Conclusion: Disease caused by VZV in people with underlying systemic lupus erythematosus, cancer or pregnant women. The clinical picture is diverse, has many complications on the research group and high mortality.

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