
To the Editor:— Clinical reports of gangrene from the use of ergotamine tartrate recently published inThe Journal(May 9, pages 1625 and 1631) merit comment. The case reported by Yater and Cahill emphasizes anew the dangers of ergotism when overdoses are given. The case reported by Gould, Price and Ginsberg in the same issue indicates that even therapeutic doses may lead to serious consequences in special instances. Since I advocated the use of ergotamine tartrate for the relief of distressing pruritus in jaundice and uremia (The Journal, Nov. 14, 1931, p. 1463) Snell and Keyes have reported its successful use in thirteen cases of jaundice without ill effect ( M. Clin. North America 16 :1455 [May] 1933). My further experience with the drug for this purpose has been with approximately seventy-five persons. Three instances have occurred in which unfavorable side actions might possibly be connected with its use. A man,

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