
This article summarizes the clinical experience in treatment of refractory tinnitus with He's santong therapy of acupuncture (three techniques of acupuncture to remove the blockage and promote circulation). Refractory tinnitus is characterized by a mixture of deficiency and excess, which is implicated in the dysfunction of zangfu organs, resulting in physical and mental injuries. In association with the complicated conditions of the diseases and etiology, He's santong therapy of acupuncture is adopted. The needling with filiform needles acts directly on the affected site to regulate the mind and improve the hearing, the fire needling works on removing the refractory illness and blockage through heating up, and bloodletting on activating blood circulation and promoting qi flowing to eliminate the pathogens. The three techniques of acupuncture co-work on harmonizing the mind, promoting the circulations in the ear to stop tinnitus.

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