
Sthaulya (obesity) is the most common , frequent health related condition s that poses a consider able challenge to Ayurvedic physicians . It is one of the important risk factor s an d contributor for cardiac and cerebrum - vascular deaths globally since ancient time . Two thousand years ago, Acharya Charaka described Ashta Nindita Purusha and emphasized in detail about tw o pathological conditions viz Ati sthula and Ati karshya. Atisthula pu rusha is worst among them, due to its complicated patho genesis, variable complications and treatment . Obesity exacerbates a large number of health related problems, both in dependently and in association with other disease s. Therefore this topic was chosen and the clinical trial was carried out at Hospital of NIA, Jaipur , India. The aim and objective was to evaluate the effect o f Shilajatu ( Asphaltum punjabinum ), Kutaki ( Picr orhiza kurroa ) and Khadir ( Acacia catechu ) in the patients of Sthaulya. 30 patients of Sthaulya were selected and randomly divided in to three groups - A, B and C of 10 pat ients each. 3 in Group B and 1 in Group - A (tot al 4) were dropped out from the study for irregular follow - ups. Group A (9 patients) of Sthaulya were kept as placebo, controlled and were administered two capsules of 500 mg filled with wheat flour orally twice a day with luke warm water. Group B (7 patients) were treated with trial drug with warm water. Group C (10 patients) treated with trial drug including controlled diet and regular exercise. The duration of the trial was 3 months with monthly follow up. The data obtained was analyzed using statist ical method , One Way ANOVA. Analysis of ove rall effect of trial drug on sub jective and objective parameters of all the three groups revealed that Group C provided highly significant (p<. 001) reduction in Body weight, BMI, H ip circumference and significant (p<.01) difference in waist circumference a nd other signs and symptoms.

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