
In six German Shepherds dogs, GnRH agonist implants (Deslorelin) were inserted subcutaneously one month after histological confirmation of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Prostatic volume (PV), characteristics of ejaculate, serum testosterone concentrations and Doppler parameters of prostatic and subcapsular arteries were detected at different time intervals, for 6month. The prostatic volume showed a significantly reduction starting at day 37. The decrease in sperm concentration, motility and increase in morphological abnormal sperm were observed from day 22 to day 37, when it was no longer possible to obtain the ejaculate. The values of peak systolic velocity and end-diastolic velocity in prostatic and subcapsular arteries showed from day 11 a gradual decrease, significant at day 22 until day 37 and reaching the lowest values at day 52 until the end of observation. The power Doppler pixel intensity of both arteries showed a gradual decrease from day 5 until day 52. In particular, a significant decrease was observed for both arteries from day 11. Testosterone serum concentration decreased to undetectable levels by day 11 until the end of the observations. All these Doppler parameters and testosterone values were positively correlated with the prostatic volume. Furthermore, testosterone values were positively correlated with peak systolic velocity, end diastolic velocity and pixel numbers. The use of implants containing GnRH analogues, even in asymptomatic subjects, is effective for the control of BPH and the application of Doppler exam of prostatic blood flow represent an non-invasive tool for monitoring the response of medical treatment.

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