
AbstractAbstract 4767 Background.Sickle-Cell Disease (SCD) is one of the most common severe monogenic inherited disorders worldwide, due to hemoglobin S (HbS), with reduced affinity for the oxygen. HbS polymerization, leading to erythrocyte rigidity, vaso-occlusion and hemolytic anemia, is central in the pathophysiology and crucial for the clinical outcome. The term SCD refers to Sickle Cell Anemia (SCA) due to homozygosis for βS allele, HbS/β-thalassemia (T-SCD) due to compound of β-thal and βS allele, and HbSC disease, owing to the coinheritance of βS and βcalleles. SCD is a multiorgan disease characterized by recurrent acute events and progressive organ damage, worsening during the life. Aims.This is a retrospective monocentric study aimed to assess and compare the clinical complications among 59 adult SCD patients, followed at the Hereditary Anemia Centre of the Foundation IRCCS “Ca Granda” Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico, in Milan, Italy. Methods.Mutation analysis of the b globin gene was established by direct DNA sequencing on the ABI Prism 310 genetic analyzer. Clinical and hematological features were evaluated by routine tests and physical examination, with special attention to the erythropoiesis stress parameters as LDH values and extramedullary erythropoietic (EE) masses. Results.Fifty-nine adult SCD patients, 16 SCA and 43 T-SCD, were evaluated. In T-SCD patients detected b-mutations were severe (b°) in 69.8%, and moderate or mild (b+-b++) in 30.2%. The mean age of SCA patients was 36±9 and 41±11 years for T-SCD patients. For both groups the mean follow-up was 20±6 years, while the mean age at the presentation in our Centre was 32±8 years in SCA patients and 31±10 years in T-SCD ones. Five out of 16 (31.2%) SCA patients and 16/43 (37.2%) T-SCD patients were male. HbF mean levels were 6.9±5.1% and 10.1±7.2%, respectively in SCA and T-SCD group; surprisingly Hb mean levels were lower in SCA (9.3±1.3 g/dl) than in T-SCD (9.9±1.4 g/dl) patients.Comparing SCA and T-SCD, there was statistically significant difference in splenic features: splenectomy was performed in 2/16 (12.5%) SCA patients vs 21/43 (48.8%) T-SCD patients (p-value < 0.01). Splenomegaly was absent in SCA, while was detected in 11/22 (50%) T-SCD (p-value < 0.0001); all SCA patients had functional asplenia, not observed in T-SCD patients; splenic infarctions were absent in SCA patients and were detected in 7/22 (31.8%) T-SCD patients, of whom 5 had splenomegaly and 2 had normal spleen size (pvalue <0.001). On the other side, there was not statistically significant difference in the prevalence of stroke, acute chest syndrome (ACS), bone pain crisis, sepsis, leg ulcers and priapism. However, we observed some clinical differences, even if not statistically significant. Cholecistectomy was performed in 4/16 (25%) SCA patients vs 17/43 (39.5%) T-SCD patients, and gallstones were detected respectively in 5/12 (41.7%) and in 14/26 (53.8%) of SCA and T-SCD patients. Thrombotic events were absent in SCA patients, compared to 4/43 (9.3%) T-SCD patients. Furthermore, we detected EE in 3/16 (18.6%) SCA and in 3/43 (7%) T-SCD, all carrying b° thal mutations. We underlie that Hb levels and LDH values were higher in SCA than in T-SCD patients (823±295 vs 689±209 U/L). About the treatment, 14/16 (87.5%) SCA and 31/43 (72%) T-SCD underwent to top-up transfusion; 5/43 (11.6%) T-SCD were regularly transfused. Seven out of 16 (43.8%) SCA and 18/43 (41.8%) T-SCD patients were treated with Hydroxycarbamide (HU).Criteria for transfusion therapy were: painful crisis not responsive to HU, major clinical complications, such as stroke or ACS, extramedullary erythropoietic masses associated with high LDH levels and low Hb values. Conclusions.These data suggest that SCA and T-SCD patients have similar clinical course. Splenomegaly is present only in T-SCD patients, probably due to the increased amount of extravascular hemolysis. Surprisingly, SCA patients showed EE and lower Hb levels with higher LDH values compared to T-SCD ones. This could be related to the prevalence of intravascular hemolysis, that can lead to erythropoietic stress in SCA, even if tissues are better oxygenated in these patients because of biochemical characteristic of HbS in terms of decreased oxygen affinity. These observations could be important to evaluate transfusion and HU treatment. Disclosures:Cappellini:Novartis: Research Funding.

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