
Address for correspondence : Jang Won Sohn, M.D. Department of Internal Medicine, Hanyang University Guri Hospital, 146-1, Gyomoon-dong, Guri City, 471-701, Korea. Phone : 031-560-2224 Fax : 031-553-7369 E-mail : jwsohn@hanyang.ac.kr Received : Oct. 13. 2004. Accepted : Nov. 1. 2004. Background : Extubation failure and reintubation increase the morbidity and the mortality rate. Several extubation criteria and risk factors for extubation failure have been recommended. However, some patients present with extubation failure even after a planned extubation. The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical characteristics of patients with extubation failure after a planned extubation. Methods : Thirty one patients who presented with planned extubation were included. Extubation failure was defined as reintubation within 48 hours after extubation. The clinical, respiratory and hemodynamic parameters between extubation success and failure group were compared. Results : Six patients were included in the failure group. The extubation failure rate was 19.4%. The age, periods of intubation and heart rates were significantly different between the extubation success and failure group. In the success and failure group, the mean age were 60.4±15.65 vs. 80.3±7.17 year, the intubation periods were 7.12±2.47 vs. 13.83±2.4 day and the heart rates were 94.32±5.77 vs. 110. 67±3.78 /min, respectively. Conclusion : Old age and patients intubated for periods will require a will careful assessment before extubation. Extensive cardiac evaluations before extubation will also be needed. (Tuberc Respir Dis 2004; 57:439-442)

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