
Vasa previa is characterized by the presentation of blood vessels of the umbilical cord, which pass through the amniotic sac over the inner eye of the cervix or in its immediate vicinity (up to 5 cm) and are associated with umbilical cord blood flow and are in front of the anterior part of the fetus.Risk factors for Vasa Previa are placental pathology, in particular placenta previa and low placental location; membranous attachment of the umbilical cord, IVF, the presence of an additional share of the placenta or dichotomous placenta, as well as multiple pregnancy. Without prior diagnosis of Vasa previa, fetal mortality reaches 44%, while in antenatal detection the survival rate is up to 97%.Current standard clinical practice during pregnancy with obstetric risk factors for Vasa previa includes assessment of the condition of the lower segment of the uterus and cervix using TVUS and enhanced / color Doppler imaging. The use of additional modern diagnostic methods is a very important step in the aspect of differential diagnosis, especially when additional structures are visualized in the immediate vicinity of the cervix.The article describes a clinical case of Vasa previa on the background of Placenta previa / accreta in women with a burdened somatic and obstetric history and with 4 previous surgeries on the pelvic organs (laparotomy). The management of a clinical case with timely diagnosis and delivery with the help of modern medical and technical support of cesarean section (tranexamic acid, carbetocin, argon plasma tissue coagulation) is presented. Pathology and histology data confirming the diagnosis are attached as well.Thanks to the use of modern methods of diagnosis and delivery, it was possible to prevent severe complications, primarily hemorrhagic, both from the fetus and from the pregnant woman with a rather rare obstetric pathology in the form of Vasa previa with umbilical cord membranous attachment, Placenta previa / accreta partialis.


  • Vasa previa is characterized by the presentation of blood vessels of the umbilical cord, which pass through the amniotic sac over the inner eye of the cervix or in its immediate vicinity and are associated with umbilical cord blood flow and are in front of the anterior part of the fetus

  • The article describes a clinical case of Vasa previa on the background of Placenta previa / accreta in women with a burdened somatic and obstetric history and with 4 previous surgeries on the pelvic organs

  • Vasa previa характеризується передлежанням кровоносних судин пуповини, які проходять крізь плодові оболонки над внутрішнім вічком шийки матки або у безпосередній близькості від нього та зв’язані з пуповинним кровотоком і знаходяться попереду передлеглої частини плода

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Vasa previa is characterized by the presentation of blood vessels of the umbilical cord, which pass through the amniotic sac over the inner eye of the cervix or in its immediate vicinity (up to 5 cm) and are associated with umbilical cord blood flow and are in front of the anterior part of the fetus. Vasa previa (передлежання судин) характеризується передлежанням кровоносних судин пуповини, які проходять крізь плодові оболонки над внутрішнім вічком шийки матки або у безпосередній близькості від нього (до 5 см) та зв’язані з пуповинним кровотоком і знаходяться попереду передлеглої частини плода. У деяких дослідженнях, які аналізували фактори ризику для Vasa previa та відношення шансів на тлі штучного запліднення, двочасткової або додаткової частки плаценти і передлежання плаценти у ІІ триместрі вагітності, було встановлено, що ці показники відповідно становили 7,75; 22,11 та 22,86 [2].

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