
Abstract LVAD HeartWare was implanted in a 63-year-old patient with end-stage dilated cardiomyopathy. The postoperative course was complicated by massive gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding that required surgical exploration of the GI tract. For the next 1.5 years, the patient has significantly improved functional capacity with proper LVAD function. A month before the incident, an alarm indicating a pump malfunction was recorded. The patient presents with congestive symptoms and an altered sound of LVAD. Laboratory indicates seven times elevated LDH values, low HGB and INR 3.03. Thrombophilia tests were negative. Echo examination does not indicate pump thrombosis, but the pump parameters show increased energy consumption (>6 W) and increased flow (>7 L/min). A diagnosis of LVAD thrombosis was made. Fibrinolytic therapy was contraindicated because of a history of GI bleeding, so a continuous infusion of heparin was started. Despite this, the patient's clinical condition deteriorates, and a decision was made to discontinue the LVAD, to prevent further hemolysis that led to acute kidney injury (AKI). The procedure was performed without endangering the patient. Massive hemolysis, however, leads to the progressive development of AKI requiring CVVHDF. Global respiratory insufficiency develops and mechanical ventilation was started. After six days of intensive treatment, the patient recovered and was discharged home with a thrombosed pump. For the next 2.5 years, the patient was in satisfactory condition during follow-ups, the pump was not explanted. Even sophisticated medical devices carry with them risks for the patient's life despite adequate management. Treatment of LVAD thrombosis depends on patient characteristics and pump-related factors.

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