
The alloplastic graft material consisting of Hyrdoxyapatite (HA) and beta-tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP) in the preservation of ridge volume after tooth extraction can maintain the bone for improve the success of dental implant. This case series evaluated the clinical efficacy of a synthetic material containing HA and β-TCP (OsvehOss®) in the alveolar ridge preservation of an extraction socket. A total of twenty healthy patients reported for tooth extraction were enrolled in this study. They received extraction socket preservation using OsvehOss® followed by delayed implant placements. After the surgery, they were evaluated after 24, 48 and 168 hours for several clinical parameters, including pain, sinus tract, infection, color change and other inflammatory variables. Data were assessed by Kolmogorov–Smirnov and t-test analysis. Twenty patients containing 14 women (70%) and 6 men (30%) with a range of 22-58 years (36.65±12.65) completed the three measurements. Despite the greater average age of women than men, the t-test analysis showed no significant difference between the mean age of women and men (P = 0.201). No negative results were found for evaluating clinical parameters; therefore, no analytical statics were performed. Also, there was no statistically significant correlation between gender and infection (p = 0.521). Regarding the limitation of this study, it can be concluded the bio material containing HA and β-TCP (OsvehOss®) can be used for socket preservation before implant placement with no significant clinical complications.

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