
The study aimed to analyze the clinical aspects of the treatment of crack cocaine and excessive alcohol users who were seen in a Psychosocial Care Center of Alcohol and Other Drugs (CAPS AD) in Sobral, Ceará, during the years 2010 and 2011. This is an exploratory descriptive and documentary study, with a retrospective quantitative approach. The sample was composed of 567 medical records of drug users, from which 291 were crack cocaine users, and 276 were alcohol users. For data collection, a form was developed based on the Care Script Service, the data from which was then used to populate a database in an EPI INFO 7, a statistics software system. In both groups of users, males were predominant (85%, n = 482), and were between the ages of 20 and 29 years for crack users (50.9%, n = 148), and between 30 and 39 years for alcohol users (31.9%, n = 88). There were significant differences between crack cocaine users and alcohol users in liver disorders (p < 0.01) and withdrawal syndrome (p < 0.05), however, there were similar signs and symptoms between users. Crack users hospitalized less frequently (OR 0.33 [95% CI 0.23 to 0.47 p < 0.01]). Suicidal ideation and suicide attempts were similar in both crack cocaine and alcohol users. Thus, this research will lead to new proposals for health care professionals in order to enhance and improve the care provided to service customers in CAPS AD.

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