
A nine-year-old, female Shih Tzu dog was referred to Chonnam National University Veterinary Teach - ing Hospital with a non-weight bearing lameness, pain in the right forelimb, increased appetite, and dermatological changes. A complete transverse fracture of the right ulnar trochlear notch was detected on survey radiographs. Cushing's disease was diagnosed using the adrenocorticotropic hormone test. The fracture site was repaired using an intramedullary (IM) pin, a 2.0 miniplate and screws, and 1 mg of bone forming peptide-1 (BFP-1) was applied to the fracture site. Post-operative radiographs were performed immediately, and at two and 17 weeks after the first surgery. After the first surgery, the patient fell from the bed, and the IM pin was broken. Thus, a second surgery was performed, and the broken IM pin was removed. To stimulate bone healing, we applied Matrigel containing 3 mg of BFP-1 to the fracture site 20 weeks after the first surgery. A narrowed fracture gap was seen radiographi - cally three weeks after the second surgery, and a hard callus was observed on the cranial fracture line at eight weeks. Bone mineral density at the fracture site increased at 16 weeks. Gradual fracture healing was observed on radiographs over the 35 week period following the second surgery.

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