
Fungi are a kind of eukaryotic cell organisms widely distributed in nature and are considered as independent branches in existing organisms. There are 1 million to 1.5 million fungi in the world, most of which are beneficial to humans and only a few are harmful to humans. Mycosis is an infectious disease caused by fungi that infect humans and animals. The fungus that infects humans is mainly from the external environment. The route of infection can be contact, inhalation or ingestion. A few fungi can be directly pathogenic, and most fungi are conditional pathogens that require certain conditions to cause disease. Based on the depth of fungal invading tissue, fungal infectious diseases are clinically classified into superficial fungal diseases and deep fungal diseases. Superficial mycosis refers to fungal infections in superficial tissues such as epidermis, hair and nails (toenails). It is a common fungal disease in dermatology clinics and the prevalence rate can reach 20%-50%. According to the different types of pathogenic fungi, superficial fungal diseases can be divided into dermatophytosis, cutaneous candidiasis and Malassezia disease. Among them, dermatophytosis is the most common superficial fungal disease. The pathogenic fungi are dermatophytes, including Trichophyton, Microsporum and Epidermophyton, and Trichophyton rubrum in Trichophyton occupy the first place; Candida is a common human conditional pathogenic fungus, can cause skin candidiasis, the incidence has gradually increased in recent years, still dominated by Candida albicans, but Candida tropicalis, Candida glabrata, Candida krusei with the increase in the detection rate, there are also increasing trends year by year; Malassezia is also a conditional pathogen that easily accumulates in areas rich in sebaceous glands, has lipid dependence, and often causes pityriasis versicolor and Malassezia folliculitis in clinical practice. Malassezia disease is prone to recurrence. With the development of research and improvement of detection techniques, it has been found that Malassezia infection is associated with more and more diseases.

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