
To study clinical and neuroimaging signs of cardioembolic stroke (CES) in children. A group of 100 patients with arterial ischemic stroke (AIS), aged from 1 month to 15 years, was stratified into the main group (10 patients with CES) and the comparison group (90 patients with other subtypes of AIS). CT and MRI, MR-angiography, ultrasound study as well as assessment of clinical symptoms on PedNIHSS were performed. The duration of follow-up was from 2 month to 14 years. The follow-up allowed the assessment of occurrence of secondary strokes, severity of residual neurological symptoms on the PSOM and fatal outcomes. Special attention was drawn to the use of CASSADE criteria for CES. Clinical features that help to diagnose CES, even in the absence of adequate neuroimaging, in patients with heart disease, which is a potential high risk factor for cardioembolia, were established. These factors include early disease onset, acute development and progression of neurological deficit to the maximal level in the first 5 min., marked severity of the acute period (PedNIHSS > 15), early recovery of neurological functions, significant residual neurological symptoms (PSOM > 2). These symptoms should be used in addition to the CASCADE criteria in the diagnosis of CES of AIS type in children.

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