
Purpose: To evaluate the efficacy of smartprep burs in caries removal in primary teeth clinically and microbiologically, also to assess the time taken for caries removal and the pain perception experienced by children compared with conventional carbide burs and sharp spoon excavator. Materials and Methods: A total of 51 teeth from children ranging from 4 -9 years old of both sexes, were selected for this study after they met inclusion criteria. The teeth were randomly assigned to three groups, seventeen teeth for each group. The patients were recalled at 1, 6 weeks and 3 months for clinical evaluation. Results: Microbiologically the highest mean bacterial reduction was recorded significantly in Group II (conventional carbide bur) (p value > 0.05). While, there was no significant difference between Smart burs and spoon excavator (p value =0.9). Clinically the median of caries detector dye scores was significantly lower in the conventional group compared to other groups (p value < 0.05). The mean time for caries removal was significantly different between groups, the highest value was recorded by Smart burs and the least one by conventional burs (p value < 0.05). The median of pain score was insignificantly highest in the conventional group followed by spoon excavator and smart bur had the least value (p value =0.166). Conclusions: Smart bur produced great reduction in bacterial count and considered the least painful technique while it took the longest time. It can be used as an alternative to the mechanical method for children but need further studies.

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