
Background: Imidacloprid is a neonicotinoid insecticide and agonist of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors. Despite its low toxicity profile, there are rare studies on its fatal poisoning. In this report, we described clinical and postmortem findings of a fatal imidacloprid poisoning. Methods: A 33-year-old female presented to the emergency department with a history of deliberate consumption of unknown insecticide. On admission, she was drowsy and hypotensive with tachycardia and miotic pupils. Despite supportive therapy, she continued to be unconscious, with severe metabolic acidosis and developed a cardio-respiratory arrest and expired. Results: A forensic autopsy was performed. The result of the toxicological analysis showed that imidacloprid concentrations were 267.8 µg/mL in femoral blood, 144.5 µg/mL in stomach content, and 292.3 µg/mL in bile. Conclusion: Although imidacloprid is generally less toxic to humans high concentrations in biological samples could be considered lethal. Therefore, the educational programs about its toxicity should be considered for health care providers.

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