
The aim was to study the clinical and laboratory data of patients with firstly diagnosed pulmonary tuberculosis with different levels of alcohol consumption.Materials and methods. The study included 102 patients with firstly diagnosed pulmonary tuberculosis and preserved sensitivity to anti-TB drugs with alcohol consume. The activity of gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase was determined by the kinetic method. C-reactive protein levels were determined by latex agglutination. To analyse the parameters of the quality of life the SF-36 questionnaire was used. Assessment of the alcohol consumption level was carried out using the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test. The obtained data were processed using the Statistica software.The results. According to the results of the AUDIT questionnaire, patients were divided into three groups. Group 1 – persons who scored 0–7 points, group 2 – 8–15 points, group 3 – 16 points or more. The quality of life in the first two groups were at a fairly high level with a predominance of the physical component of health. In the third group, the average indicators for both components were significantly lower than the first two groups. Group 3 patients were more socially maladaptive. In the group of alcohol-abusing patients, pathological process predominant affecting more than one lobe of the lungs with signs of destructive processes of the lung tissue. In 82.1 % of patients in group 3 mycobacterium tuberculosis was detected in sputum already at the stage of microscopic examination. In tuberculosis patients with increasing of alcohol consumption, there was an increase the blood levels of leukocytes, CRP and ESR, manifestations of anemia and a decrease in the activity of cellular immunity due to a decrease of lymphocytes degree. Maximum disturbances occurred in group 3. Indicators of the functional state of the liver, except for ALT, in group 3 were significantly higher than in group 1.Conclusions. Patients with tuberculosis who consume alcohol, has a decrease in social adaptation, quality of life, the more clearly intoxication syndrome, the prevalence of spreading forms of tuberculosis with massive bacterial excretion, as well as impaired liver function


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Зниження апетиту

Після аналізу даних загального дослідження крові (табл. 3) було встановлено, що у хворих з ВДТБ при наростанні рівня споживання алкоголю спостерігається збільшення рівнів в крові лейкоцитів і показника ШОЕ, а максимальні статистично достовірні (р

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Показники біохімічного дослідження крові
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