
Although many individual cases and small series of toxic erythema of chemotherapy (TEC) have been described, the full spectrum of findings is not well understood. To provide a comprehensive review of the clinical and histopathologic features of TEC with an emphasis on novel histopathologic findings. We searched our electronic medical record for "toxic erythema of chemotherapy" or "neutrophilic eccrine hidradenitis." Fifty-six cases meeting clinical and histopathologic criteria were identified. The electronic medical record and accompanying hematoxylin and eosin-stained slides were retrospectively reviewed. The clinical findings were heterogeneous but included classic presentations such as intertriginous eruptions (34%) and acral erythema (25%). The most common histopathologic features were apoptotic keratinocytes (95%), basal vacuolar change (91%), and epithelial dysmaturation (79%). Eccrine squamous syringometaplasia was seen in over half of the cases (33/56; 59%), whereas neutrophilic eccrine hidradenitis was uncommon (16%). Interestingly, many cases showed prominent interstitial histiocytes (55%). Other novel findings included irregular orthohyperkeratosis (23%), irregular epidermal hyperplasia (14%), and acantholysis (9%). As a retrospective study, it is subject to information bias. This is the largest reported series of TEC. In addition to confirming previously reported features, we identify novel histopathologic findings to add to the spectrum of TEC.

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