
Background Many viral infections can show clinical presentations mimicking influenza. A broad term influenza like illness ILI was given to these. Objective To ascertain relative proportion of influenza and non-influenza viruses in severe ILI. To study clinical or epidemiological patterns differentiating both influenza and non-influenza etiologies of ILI.Methods All the patients who presented with severe ILI were included. Their clinical and epidemiological data was entered in a proforma and respiratory secretions were analyzed for presence of Influenza andor Respiratory syncitial virus RSV.Results A total of 112 patients reported to the practice during the outbreak and at least one virus was detected in 89.28 n100 of the nasopharyngeal secretions. Majority of the isolates 58.03 n65 were of non-influenza virus with RSV being the dominant virus identified 55.35 n62. There were some clinical indicators for the etiological agent with isolated URTI being less common while LRTI and wheeze being common in RSV.Conclusion Clinician should be aware of wide range of viral etiologies for the ILI and should take the assistance of viral diagnostic tests whenever possible.nbsp

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