
The objective: to conduct a clinical and statistical analysis of somatic and reproductive anamnesis of pregnant women with sexually transmitted infections in the case history. Materials and methods. Clinical and statistical analysis of somatic and reproductive anamnesis of 100 pregnant women with sexually transmitted infections in the case history, who were randomly divided into two groups: I (main) group – 50 pregnant women who were subject to pregravid training, obstetric and perinatal support and delivery according to the medical and organizational algorithms, prognostic methods and medical-preventive activities developed by us; Group II – 50 pregnant women who received conventional prognostic and medical-preventive activities and Group III (control) – 30 practically healthy pregnant women with a successful reproductive history and uncomplicated course of this pregnancy. Data processing was performed using StatSoft Statistica 8.0 software package. Results. The main risk factors of obstetric and perinatal complications for the women under investigation, with sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in the case history, are: the presence of a high infectious index in the anamnesis (76.0% and 72.0%), chronic and acute inflammatory processes of the urinary tract system (48.0% and 40.0%), STIs before pregnancy (32.0% and 28.0%), as well as reproductive losses of infectious origin (21.0% and 28.0%): miscarriages, fetal growth retardation and placental dysfunction, ante- and intranatal fetal death in the anamnesis. The conducted clinical and statistical analysis based on the studied indicators did not reveal a significant difference between the women of the main group and the control group, which enables us to compare them in a further study. Conclusions. When comparing the data obtained after analysis of the premorbid background, somatic and reproductive anamnesis of pregnant women with sexually transmitted infections in the case history, significant differences between the main and the control group were not found, which allows us to compare them in a further study.

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