
The proteolytic chaperone peptide ubiquitin accumulates in defective human spermatozoa. Immunodetection of ubiquitin in human sperm samples correlates with semen quality and male fertility. Semen samples from 93 men from couples seeking infertility treatment were separated on a PureSperm density gradient and screened by immunofluorescence microscopy with anti-ubiquitin antibodies. The percentage of spermatozoa with head ubiquitylation was recorded and compared with clinical semen evaluation and embryo development data after IVF or ICSI. Subjects were divided into the following four groups based on the initial clinical diagnosis of the couples; group 1, male factor; group 2, idiopathic infertility; group 3, female infertility with neither partner having children previously; and group 4, female infertility with male partners having children from previous relationships. The percentage of sperm with ubiquitylated heads remaining after PureSperm separation in the respective groups was 4.0% (male factor), 2.5% (idiopathic infertility), 0.7% (female infertility and presumed fertile male) and 0.9% (female infertility with established fertile male). Negative correlations between sperm ubiquitin and several parameters reflective of embryo development after assisted fertilization were found within the male factor group. Use of this simplified ubiquitin-based sperm quality assay is feasible in a clinical environment. Since the gradient separation does not completely deplete the defective spermatozoa, the modified light microscopic sperm ubiquitin tag immunoassay could add a new level of stringency to the selection of human spermatozoa for ICSI.

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