
Percentages of beech (Fagus L.) pollen in net- implies that the continental-scale patterns of beech works of surface samples from Europe and eastern North abundance are in equilibrium with modern climatic pat- America reflect the present distribution and landscape terns on both continents irrespective of differences in the abundance patterns of beech trees in both continents. migrational history, competitive interactions and degree of Response surfaces constructed by a locally-weighted human impact. The physiological characteristics determin- averaging technique characterize the relationship between ing the species' distributions are presumably evolutionarily the pollen percentages and mean January and July tem- conservative, having persisted through repeated orbitally- peratures in each continent. Both surfaces are unimodal forced cycles of migration since the original (mid-Tertiary) with optima at -1 to -4?C (January) and 18?C (July) and separation of European and North American temperate adequately predict the patterns of beech pollen abundance forests.

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