
The objective is to analyze the fluctuations of temporal climate trends of precipitation and average temperature between the periods 1981-2020 for the municipality of Lagoa Seca, seeking possible damages of these oscillations in socioeconomic activities, helping decision makers regarding possible risks. Climatic precipitation data were provided by the Executive Water and Climate Agency of the State of Paraíba for the period from 1981 to 2020 and air temperature data were estimated by the Estima_T software for the same study period. Rainfall irregularities between 2000-2020 recorded ten years dry; six years very dry; three very rainy years and one rainy year, these rainfall irregularities lead us to conclude that climatic events and human actions may be contributing to the records of these scenarios on a local scale, the predominance of dry and very dry years has been causing impacts to fruit and vegetable producers which has been using longer times in irrigation. Studies with climate trends become more understandable when analyzing long time series which can be divided into sub-periods of at least 31 years. Rainfall irregularities between 2000-2020 recorded ten years dry; six years very dry; three very rainy years and two rainy years, these rainfall irregularities lead us to conclude that climatic events and anthropic actions may be contributing to the records of these scenarios on a local scale, the predominance of dry and very dry years has been causing impacts to fruit and vegetable producers which has been using longer times in irrigation.

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