
Formulation of the problem. A national climate program, complying with the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU, is aimed at long-term adaptation measures to climate change, providing for the development of legislation in the field of environmental protection, sectoral strategies, improving air and water quality. These measures require identification of climatic factors’ impact on hydrological characteristics of water bodies in any area in order to protect and improve them, as well as a comprehensive approach to the rational management of water resources. Analysis of previous research. Using mathematical models of atmospheric circulation allows us to obtain generalized calculations of the average global and regional air temperature, characterized by significant errors in case of different models. Problems of further research. Modern changes in climatic conditions in Ukraine are characterized by locality and rapidity: increasing number of anomalous atmospheric phenomena, frequency of droughts, dry winds which, according to preliminary estimates, may lead to reduction of water resources, changes in internal annual redistribution of water temperature and runoff against the background of increasing thermal resources of the territory. The purpose. The article analyses climatic indicators’ influence on the main hydrological characteristics on the example of the Psyol river basin within Ukraine. Research methods. Research methods are presented by statistical and cartographic analysis (correlation analysis method). The initial information is the results of observations contained in the State Climate Cadastre and the State Water Cadastre for the Dnieper Valley. Presentation of the main research material. Analysis of climate change in the Psyol river basin indicates a decrease in water consumption, both in the main river of the basin and in its main tributaries. In addition to changes in temperature and humidity, the reasons for this process were the shifts that occurred in the nature of the intra-annual distribution of the runoff. During the late XX – early XXI century the share of spring floods decreased due to the reduced period of ice phenomena and corresponding decrease in the thickness of the snow cover on the rivers. As a result, the most important component of the annual runoff of rivers began to decrease rapidly. The role of groundwater in the formation of water runoff increased against the background of a predominant decrease in precipitation. This is especially true for medium-size and small rivers, subject to significant anthropogenic pressure: over-regulation of channels, creation of artificial lakes, their shallowing. Practical value. Based on the main provisions of the national environmental policy of Ukraine on the use of water resources and the implementation of European principles of the Water Framework Directive 2000/60 / EC (ERVD) the study of changes in hydrological regime of rivers is of practical importance for sustainable management. Research results. The study of the impact of changes in climatic indicators on hydrological characteristics makes it possible to determine the reference conditions and classes of ecological status of rivers under conditions of anthropogenic pressure against the background of further changes in climatic indicators that will have different trends.



  • PhD (Geography), Associate Professor, Department of Physical Geography and Cartography, Faculty of Geology, Geography, Recreation and Tourism, V

  • Changes in water resources of Ukraine in the context of global warming are presented in [4, 6, 10], where there is a tendency of water resources and runoff reduction by 25% under conditions of thermal resources increase in the climate of the territory

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КЛІМАТИЧНІ ПОКАЗНИКИ ЯК ІНДИФІКАТОРИ ЗМІН ГІДРОЛОГІЧНИХ ХАРАКТЕРИСТИК НА ПРИКЛАДІ БАСЕЙНУ РІЧКИ ПСЕЛ. У статті подається аналіз впливу кліматичних показників на основні гідрологічні характеристики на прикладі басейну річки Псел в межах України. Сучасні зміни кліматичних умов на території України характеризуються локальністю та стрімкістю: зростання кількості аномальних атмосферних явищ, частоти появи посух, суховіїв, що може спричинити за попередніми оцінками зменшення водних ресурсів, зміни внутрішнього річного перерозподілу температури води та стоку на фоні зростання термічних ресурсів території. Аналіз кліматичних змін у басейні річки Псел вказує на зменшення витрат води як у головній річці басейну, так і у її основних притоках. Дослідження впливу змін кліматичних показників на гідрологічні характеристики дає можливість визначити референційні умови та класи екологічного стану річок за умов антропогенного навантаження на тлі подальших змін кліматичних показників, що матимуть різноспрямовані тенденції. Ключові слова: поверхневі води, внутрішні води, річковий басейн, моніторинг, аналіз річкових басейнів, клімат, зміни клімату, антропогенне навантаження

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