
ABSTRACT Disinformation in today’s high-choice media environment, particularly regarding environment- and science-related issues, poses threats to individuals and society. It is argued that online users turn primarily to attitude-confirming content (selective exposure effects) which amplifies existing opinions and societal polarization. However, with the increasing prevalence of online disinformation and fake news, it is also likely that people will be exposed to disinformation that contradicts their current beliefs. Regarding the controversial issue of anthropogenic climate change, we elucidate how users react when they are (incidentally) exposed to counter-attitudinal anthropogenity-denying fake news by investigating their search and selection behavior after the exposure. The innovative research design of our case study includes pre- and post-surveys, stimulus exposure, and content analyses of web activities (n = 39). Importantly, the exposure to climate-change-denying fake news decreased acceptance of climate change and its human causes. Selection behavior was mainly attitude-confirming, while search behavior was more diverse. Journalistic sources were used most often and for longest. Individual characteristics affected searches and selections. KEY POLICY HIGHLIGHTS In the information-saturated online environment comprising scientifically correct and incorrect information, users are frequently exposed to counter-attitudinal fake news, e.g. videos denying anthropogenic climate change. After exposure to an attitude-opposing fake news video, participants’ climate change acceptance decreased. In a free internet search after stimulus exposure, attitude-confirming anthropogenity-accepting positions and journalistic content dominated users’ selection but not search behavior. Future climate change-related communication activities should note that participants who stated they knew little about climate change knowledge were mainly interested in solution-oriented websites. The higher participants’ willingness to take personal responsibility or acknowledge others’ responsibility, the more they searched for anthropogenity-opposing content.

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