
Introduction: The homo neanderthalis society was matrilineal and the homo sapien society was patrilineal. The homo neanderthalis as described in previous papers had increased actinidic archaeal growth and archaeal magnetite/porphyrin mediated quantal perception. This gave a feeling of collective unconscious and universal oneness. The homo sapiens had decreased actinidic archaeal growth and archaeal magnetite/porphyrin mediated quantal perception was minimal. This gave rise to individuality in homo sapiens as opposed to societal consciousness in homo neanderthalis. The study evaluated actinidic archaeal growth in individuals with different personal characteristic features of socialistic, capitalistic, democratic, dictatorial, feminist, male chauvinist, artistic, creative literary characters, alternate sexuality, eco-conscious, nationalistic and globalised outlook. The results are presented in this study. Materials and Methods:The blood samples were drawn from two groups (a) the neanderthalic matrilineal population with outlook of altruism, primitive communism, socialism, democracy, female dominance, alternate sexuality, creativity in art and literature, spirituality, eco-consciousness, peaceful co-existence and a globalised world (b) the homo sapien patrilineal population with outlook of selfishness, primitive capitalistic, undemocratic, dictatorial, patriarchial, more masculine, less creative in art and literature, non-spiritual and material, heterosexual, exploitative, polluting, nationalistic and with an increased propensity to war. The estimations done in the blood samples collected include cytochrome F420 activity. Results: The results showed that the population with neanderthalic features and characteristics of altruism, primitive communism, socialism, democracy, female dominance, alternate sexuality, creativity in art and literature, spirituality, eco-consciousness, peaceful co-existence and a globalised world had increased cytochrome F420 activity.The results showed that the population with homo sapien features and characteristics of selfishness, primitive capitalistic, undemocratic, dictatorial, patriarchial, more masculine, less creative in art and literature, non-spiritual and material, heterosexual, exploitative, polluting, nationalistic and with an increased propensity to war had increased cytochrome F420 activity. Discussion: The basis of the features of homo neanderthalis society is primitive communism, socialism, democracy, female dominance, alternate sexuality, creativity in art and literature, spirituality, eco-consciousness, peaceful co-existence and a globalised world. The homo sapien society was selfish, primitive capitalistic, undemocratic, dictatorial, patriarchial, more masculine, less creative in art and literature, non-spiritual and material, heterosexual, exploitative, polluting, nationalistic and an increased propensity to war. The phenomena of global warming leads to increased extremophilic actinidic archaeal growth and neanderthalisation of homo sapiens leading to the resurgence of neanderthalic features in society.

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