
The series of droughts of the past three decades that affected the Sudano-Sahelian zone of West Africa, particu- larly Niger, Volta and Senegal basins impacted the water resources, ecosystems and the fragile economies of at least 13 of the 16 countries of the region. Declining rainfall, highly variable in time and space has resulted in more than proportionate decrease in river discharges, and declining level of freshwater bodies. This situation translated into falling groundwater levels and accelerated desertification process, hence major crises of food insecurity and massive migration, which often leads to conflicts. The challenges and uncertainties associated with the impacts of future climate changes on water re- sources in West Africa are further compounded by many other factors, including regional demographic factors, non- existing or inadequate water policies, inefficient management strategies and lack of reliable and adequate data. This paper synthesizes the state of art research regarding climate change impact on water resources in West Africa economies of Senegal, Niger and Volta Basins while also making prescriptions on what can be done in terms of adaptation strategies, rather than mitigation, to reduce the severity of the expected impacts on the already stressed and poverty-stricken econo- mies of West Africa,

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