
Introduction K.D. Frederick, et al. Climate Change and Water Resources K.D. Frederick, D.C. Major. Water Resources Planning and Climate Chnge Assessment Methods D.C. Major, K.D. Frederick. Issue Assessments. Intertemporal Equity, Discounting, and Economic Efficiency in Water Policy Evaluation R.C. Lind. Scale and Modeling Issues in Water Resources Planning H.F. Lins, et al. Stochastic Hydrology in the Context of Climate Change N.C. Matalas. Ecosystem Evaluation, Climate Change and Water Resources Planning E.Z. Stakhiv, D.C. Major. Nonmarket Valuation and the Estimation of Damages from Global Warming K.E. McConnell. Adapting to Climate Impacts on the Supply and Demand for Water K.D. Frederick. Applications and Case Studies. Assessing Urban Water Use and the Role of Water Conservation Measures under Climate Uncertainty J.J. Boland. Using Decision Analysis to Include Climate Change in Water Resources Decision Making B.F. Hobbs, et al. Assessing Climate Change Implications for Water Resources Planning A.W. Wood, et al. Engineering Design and Uncertainties Related to Climate Change P. Rogers. Planning for Sea Level Rise and Shore Protection under Climate Uncertainty G. Yohe, J. Neumann. Global Warming and Water Management: Water Allocation and Project Evaluation R. Mendelsohn, L.L. Bennett. Summary, Conclusions, Recommendations. Water Resources Planning Principles and Evaluation Criteria for Climate Change: Summary and Conclusions K.D. Frederick, et al.

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