
Climate is the act of all atmospheric events such as rainfall, temperature, wind, air pressure and humidity etc. In recent years, the alterations about natural environment and climate observed in Chhattisgarh state negatively affected the monumental buildings, the cultural riches of the state that they have been worn out by various natural effects for a long time. However, since monumental buildings have great importance due to their identity of transferring old era information to the future generations, there should be taken special precautions against deteriorations on the monumental buildings. Climate-related deteriorations on the monumental buildings resulted from temperature differences between summer-winter and day-night, water movement at the building due to capillarity, abrasive effects of rain water, salt and some chemicals involved in water, particles carried by wind and air pollution. In this study, the deteriorations occurred on the monumental buildings due to climate changes will be investigated for Chhatisgarh and the deterioration effects on construction materials will be discussed.

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