
Undoubtable, climate change has become a reality on earth causing a variety of consequences. Glacier melts, changing weather patterns, extreme weather events and higher sea level are conclusive evidences implying extraordinary conditions on earth. Furthermore, measurements of weather variables provide additional proof by noticing trends of temperature and rainfall as well as climate models projections. Carbon dioxide levels after industrialisation period have reached unprecedented levels based on scientific evidences. The impact of climate change is noticeable at global scale; however, some regions are more affected. West Asia is one of the highly affected regions due to the predominant arid to semi-arid climate and limited rainfall rates. Jordan in particular, is a West-Asia's country inside west Asia boundary that is highly affected by climate change consequences as a result of its limited water resources. Jordan's climate models predict higher level of temperature and lower levels of rainfall. Fortunately, many global initiatives are making great efforts towards dealing with climate change, however, it is not a simple mission as long as many developed and rising economies compete to grow faster. Therefore, it makes sense to follow a realistic approach that aims to respond to climate change within possible limits. This can be done through adopting adaptation and mitigation strategies. Nature-based solutions represent one of the adaptation options, if mainstreamed in policy, will definitely support response and adaptation to climate change.

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