
It is critical to study cllmate and cultural factors Influencing the handicraft industry in order to combat cntlcal levels of unemployment in northern settlements. The purpose of thls paper is to Identify the climate and cultural factors influencing production at the Minnguq Sewing Group in Broughton Island, Northwest Territories, Canada Participatory action research methods, including participation In workshops, observing the decision making processes, and Informal Interviews were used during the field research conducted from January to August 1991. Information was collected on vanous aspects of business including product 11ne development, production techniques, management strategies, and fundlng sources. Cllmate and culture influenced availability of resources, funding, and tralning, isolation from consumers and supplies; and ~ntegration of new technology. This study wlll be of interest to scientists studying rural economy, abonginal economlc development, internatlonal arts and crafts, cross-cultural clothing, histoncal clothing, and other related fields.

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