
This case study describes the climate adaptation planning efforts that were undertaken on the island of Saipan in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. This effort focused on establishing a multi-agency Climate Change Working Group. The adaptation planning efforts on Saipan used two main sources of guidance: one document written for application to coastal jurisdictions throughout the United States and a set of tools designed for small island communities in the Pacific. These sources were combined with inspiration from adaptation processes in other jurisdictions and adjustments were made to fit Saipan's situation. Modifications were based on available knowledge or expertise, technical capacities, and local needs. Several themes that are common to adaptation processes elsewhere were important in Saipan: leadership and political will, stakeholder involvement, level of climate knowledge, building on existing collaborations, and technical capacity. These themes are examined, with an emphasis on how we adjusted to meet the challenges that arose in the context of Saipan's social, political, and economic landscape.

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