
The paper analyzes CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) as a teaching method contributing to training competitive specialists in demand both in the Russian and international labor markets. CLIL has become popular in the Russian system of higher education while insufficient understanding of the conditions for its effective implementation in our country often leads to unsuccessful foreign experience adoption. The paper aims to study the specifics of the Russian educational system and its potential as a platform for CLIL implementation. The foreign practices and CLIL-methodology are analyzed with the objective to identify a number of didactic principles and key factors affecting the choice of a model and form of CLIL for a particular educational paradigm. The specificity of the Russian educational system is analyzed from the standpoint of the obstacles to CLIL implementation. Based on the results of the study, it is determined that CLIL implementation in Russia is possible. However, this methodology should be adapted to the Russian reality. The author suggests an adaptation mechanism that implies the following measures: approving CLIL at the university level, establishing interaction between the university and businesses to jointly develop a training plan, creating a team of CLIL-methodology developers at the university level, providing conditions for professional retraining of subject teachers in CLIL methodology, establishing interaction between subject teachers and linguists for the development of CLIL-courses.

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