
This article describes the development, validation, and responses to the first administration of the Religious/Spiritually Integrated Practice Assessment Scale-Client Attitudes (RSIPAS-CA). A total of 1,047 U.S. adults responded to an online survey administered by Qualtrics, which included the RSIPAS-CA for secondary analysis. Of those, 245 indicated they were either current or former mental health clients and thus were asked to complete a 10-item instrument assessing clients' attitudes toward integrating religion and spirituality (RS) in mental health treatment. A confirmatory factor analysis showed the current sample's data approached an adequate fit, and the instrument's reliability was considered very good (α = .89). Descriptive analyses indicated that clients have mixed views regarding who should initiate the discussion of RS, but a majority responded favorably toward integrating RS in practice. The article ends with a general comparison between client responses to the current survey and clinical social workers' responses to the practitioners' RSIPAS. It also discusses implications for research based on the scale development and implications for practice and education, based on client preferences.

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