
An enlarged, low-threshold click-evoked vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) can be averaged from the vertical electro-oculogram in a superior canal dehiscence (SCD), a temporal bone defect between the superior semicircular canal and middle cranial fossa. To determine the origin and quantitative stimulus-response properties of the click-evoked VOR. Three-dimensional, binocular eye movements evoked by air-conducted 100-microsecond clicks (110 dB normal hearing level, 145 dB sound pressure level, 2 Hz) were measured with dual-search coils in 11 healthy subjects and 19 patients with SCD confirmed by CT imaging. Thresholds were established by decrementing loudness from 110 dB to 70 dB in 10-dB steps. Eye rotation axis of click-evoked VOR computed by vector analysis was referenced to known semicircular canal planes. Response characteristics were investigated with regard to enhancement using trains of three to seven clicks with 1-millisecond interclick intervals, visual fixation, head orientation, click polarity, and stimulation frequency (2 to 15 Hz). In subjects and SCD patients, click-evoked VOR comprised upward, contraversive-torsional eye rotations with onset latency of approximately 9 milliseconds. Its eye rotation axis aligned with the superior canal axis, suggesting activation of superior canal receptors. In subjects, the amplitude was less than 0.01 degrees, and the magnitude was less than 3 degrees/second; in SCD, the amplitude was up to 60 times larger at 0.66 degrees, and its magnitude was between 5 and 92 degrees/second, with a threshold 10 to 40 dB below normal (110 dB). The click-evoked VOR magnitude was enhanced approximately 2.5 times with trains of five clicks but was unaffected by head orientation, visual fixation, click polarity, and stimulation frequency up to 10 Hz; it was also present on the surface electro-oculogram. In superior canal dehiscence, clicks evoked a high-magnitude, low-threshold, 9-millisecond-latency vestibulo-ocular reflex that aligns with the superior canal, suggesting superior canal receptor hypersensitivity to sound.

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