
Carnitine content in the ejaculate depends mainly on the capability of the epididymis wall to transfer carnitine from the blood and on the patency of ejaculatory ductus systems. An elevation of carnitine in semen subsequent to an intravenous injection of carnitine is expected. Intravenous injections of carnitine (L-isomer and DL-isomers) caused a significant (P <0.05) elevation (more than 10-fold) in blood carnitine. However, carnitine injection failed to increase net secretion of carnitine into the ejaculate and blood elimination half-life was 2.3 hours. Mean concentrations of carnitine in the electroejaculate (3.0 nmoles/ml) were significantly lower than in the ejaculate following natural mating (180 nmoles/ml). Vasectomy decreased net carnitine per ejaculate to about 1/5 the prevasectomy value, when ejaculate was collected following natural mating. However, vasectomy did not affect carnitine concentrations in semen collected by electroejaculation. Twenty-one percent of the carnitine in semen originated in the accessory glands and 79% in the epididymides. Carnitine in the electroejaculate was originated almost exclusively in the accessory glands. It was concluded that the diagnostic value of carnitine in semen is limited. Some considerations are: secretion of carnitine is not organ specific, there are large individual variations, there is a negative effect of electroejaculation, and a carnitine loading dose technique is not feasible. However, there is a diagnostic potential in using carnitine assay to detect epididymides occlusion, but only when ejaculate is collected by an artificial vagina.

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