
figure who was already half way across the broad drive from the restaurant. He straightened up and ran for the front of the pickup. The truck was already onto the blacktop before the big man joined Jared and Doc. "Thanks, Dan," said Jared. "I know you remember Doctor Walsh." A wide grin creased the young man's face, and he extended his hand to the doctor. As he reached forward the seam of the uniform shirt split with a loud RI -P, and Jared began to laugh out loud. Doc still looked confused. "Jared, just what is all this? I don't want you to get me into anything illegal." Jared suppressed a laugh with a deep breath. "Doc, I told you that there was no way for the law to help; you had to help yourself. So . . . they gave you a phony gun you thought was real. I gave them a phony cop who they thought was real. I never said that Dan was a policeman ; he doesn't have a badge or a gun with him." "How'd you know where to have Dan wait?" "Luck, I guess-or good investigation. There are only two motels close to Doan's. I called the desk clerk and asked for two men with the description you gave." Jared bent down to look at the pile of guns at his feet. "I'm sorry we didn't get your money back, Tom. But on the other hand, I don't suppose Mister Horace Livingston will be coming back to pick them up-that pair's probably halfway to Bristol already. At least now you really do have a unique collection to start a hobby. Cleansing Who saw the rains come; falling, cleansing, Running down and washing out the thousands Of milk cartons and rusty shells of Fords? Where does all of this human refuse go? Can the Ohio hold it all, let alone the Mississippi, winding to its Delta? Why, I suspect that New Orleans may be Built on the garbage of mid-America. But yet the green bud comes again And the hills bloom with spring's Fresh cleansing. How refreshed We all feel, becoming again the first Fruits of those that sleep upon the Hillside. Will it be like this on That great Judgement Day? Our spirits Rising up like new shoots of green; Our auras shining multi-colored As the sarvis, redbud and dogwood? -Tom R. Walters 16 ...

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