
The purpose of this study was to propose a systematic teaching and learning strategy for Brazilian caregivers of children with neurogenic bladder dysfunction(NBD), by using an illustrated booklet written in Portuguese. Descriptive study. Caregivers of children requiring clean intermittent catheterization (CIC) were approached when attending the pediatric urology outpatient clinic of Hospital de Base in Sao Jose do Rio Preto city, Brazil. After educational sessions, a supervised procedure was done, with the child's caregiver observing the technique. Twenty-three caregivers of children with NBD provided feedback on a CIC teaching booklet. The children were all cared for at the pediatric urology outpatient clinic of a teaching hospital in Sao Jose do Rio Preto city, Brazil. The booklet was evaluated as "excellent" concerning organization and the quality of the illustrations by the majority of the caregivers. All caregivers stated that they had developed the ability to perform CIC successfully; 61% evaluated their learning process as "excellent," whereas 39% evaluated it as "good." The booklet successfully reached the goals and now is implemented in orientations about CIC.

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