
This paper describes the experience andresults of programs designed tooperationalize the technology transferprovisions of the United Nations FrameworkConvention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). These programs share a common goal ofdemonstrating modalities for developedcountry parties to fulfill their obligationunder the UNFCCC to supporttechnology transfer to developing countryparties that facilitates theirparticipation in global efforts to combatclimate changes. Several related U.S.bilateral programs and programs supportedby the Climate Technology Initiative, amultilateral effort on behalf of a numberof Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries, are included in thisreview. The discussion highlights a numberof common elements of the approaches ofmany of these programs as well as somedifferences. It presents case studies thatfocus on methods and results in China,Mexico, and Southern Africa, and cataloguesand describes the implementation activitiesand results that these programs haveachieved. It concludes by assessing theimplications of this experience for theinternational community as it moves forwardwith the climate change technology transferenterprise.

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