
This research demonstrates a process to convert polypropylene pyrolysis oil (PPO) into diesel. The hydroprocessing of PPO (HPPO-B) utilizing a Ni–Mo/Lap bimetal catalyst has been attempted in this study. Hydroprocessing of plastic pyrolysis oil had been attempted earlier, but the hydroprocessing of PPO utilizing a bimetal catalyst and the corresponding validation suites consisting of physicochemical tests, composition comparison with diesel, and diesel engine trials have not yet been reported. The physicochemical properties of the produced HPPO-B matched EN590 standard (European diesel standards) requirements. The hydroprocess conditions (70 bar and 350 °C) and the synthesized Ni–Mo/modified Lap catalyst have been responsible for producing n-alkanes, isoalkanes, and aromatics in proportions that gave a 95% match with diesel. Diesel engine combustion and emissions of HPPO-B matched those of diesel. HPPO-B provides the opportunity to utilize plastic solid waste (PSW) as a transport fuel. The results of HPPO-B inspire and encourage pursuance of the hydroprocess path for protecting the environment from hazardous plastic solid waste (PSW).

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