
1. List of contributors 2. Editor's introduction: The syntax and pragmatics of clause linkage and clause hierarchy: Some new perspectives (by Bril, Isabelle) 3. Part I. Syntactic terminology and typological methods 4. Clause linkage and Nexus in Papuan languages (by Foley, William) 5. Capturing particulars and universals in clause linkage: A multivariate analysis (by Bickel, Balthasar) 6. Part II. Clause-chaining, converbs, masdars, absolutive constructions, etc 7. Specialized converbs and adverbial subordination in Axaxdere Akhvakh (by Creissels, Denis) 8. Finite and non-finite: Prosodic distinctions on Budugh verb stems (by Authier, Gilles) 9. Converbs and adverbial clauses in Badaga, a South-Dravidian language (by Pilot-Raichoor, Christiane) 10. Coordination, converbs and clause chaining in Coptic Egyptian typology and structural analysis (by Reintges, Chris H.) 11. Part III. Subordination, informational hierarchy and referential hierarchy 12. Informational and referential hierarchy: Clause-linking strategies in Austronesian-Oceanic languages (by Bril, Isabelle) 13. Comment clause: Crossing the boundaries between simple and complex sentences (by Frajzyngier, Zygmunt) 14. Deixis, information structure and clause linkage in Yafi' Arabic (Yemen) (by Vanhove, Martine) 15. The role of the Berber deictic and TAM markers in dependent clauses in Zenaga (by Taine-Cheikh, Catherine) 16. Deixis and temporal subordinators in Pomak (Slavic, Greece) (by Adamou, Evangelia) 17. Correlative markers as phoric Grammaticalised Category Markers of subordination in German (by Cortes, Colette) 18. Part IV. Informational hierarchy and TAM markers' functions in clause-linkage 19. Focus, mood and clause linkage in Umpithamu (Cape York Peninsula, Australia) (by Verstraete, Jean-Christophe) 20. Clause chaining and conjugations in Wolof: A typology of parataxis and its semantics (by Robert, Stephane) 21. Pragmatic demotion and clause dependency: On two atypical subordinating strategies in Lo-Toga and Hiw (Torres, Vanuatu) (by Francois, Alexandre) 22. Tense-mood concordance and clause chaining in Mankon (a Grassfields Bantu language) (by Leroy, Jacqueline) 23. Clause dependency relations in East Greenlandic Inuit (by Tersis, Nicole) 24. Coordination and subordination: Ama in Bulgarian dialectal Greek (by Valma, Eleni) 25. Author index 26. Language index 27. Topic index

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