
In this paper we will investigate the novel concept of clausal deductive databases (cd-databases), which are special normal deductive databases - i.e. deductive databases which may contain default negation in rule bodies - over a meta-language Lcd with a fixed set of predicate symbols, namely dis, con, and some built-in predicate symbols. The arguments of the literals in Lcd are given by disjunctive and conjunctive clauses of a basic first-order language L (which are considered as terms in Lcd). On the other hand, disjunctive deductive databases (dd-databases) extend normal deductive databases by allowing for disjunctions (rather than just single atoms or literals) in rule heads - next to default negation in rule bodies. We will present an embedding of dd-databases into cd-databases: a dd-database D is transformed into a cd-database Dcd, which talks about the clauses of D - rather than just the literals. Thus, cd-databases provide a flexible framework for declaratively specifying the semantics of dd-databases. We can fix a standard control strategy, e.g. stable model or well-founded semantics, and vary the logical description Dcd for specifying different semantics. The transformed database Dcd usually consists of a part D⊕ which naturally expresses the rules of D, and two generic parts which are independent of D: Dlogic specifies logical inference rules like resolution and subsumption, and Dcwa specifies non-monotonic inference rules like closed-world-assumptions. In particular we will show that the hyperresolution consequence operator TDs for dd-databases without default negation can be expressed as a standard consequence operator TDcd, for a suitable transformed database Dcd, where Dlogic = Dcwa = Θ For dd-databases with default negation we can show that the semantics of stable models can be characterized by adding suitable sets Dlogic and Dcwa. Moreover, we will define a new semantics for dd-databases which we will call stable state semantics; it is based on Herbrand states rather than Herbrand interpretations.

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