
The structure of early 12th century Old French main and embedded clauses is documented. It is argued that V2 main clauses are derived within a layered CP structure, where the verb moves to Fin and the clause-initial topic to the specifier of a discourse related head, which is shown to be low within CP. All types of embedded clauses have V2 constructions where a constituent distinct from the subject precedes the verb. These constructions are not the result of Stylistic Fronting, but of generalised V2. The existence of V3 embedded clauses is also discussed. It is proposed that embedded IP's have the pronominal subject or clause initial constituent under the specifier of the highest inflectional head (bearing a [D] feature), a scrambled constituent within an FP projection, and the verb under T. The differences between early 12th c. Old French verse and 13th c. Old French prose are discussed.

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