
The neural tube, the embryonic precursor to the brain and spinal cord, begins as a flat sheet of epithelial cells, divided into non-neural and neural ectoderm. Proper neural tube closure requires that the edges of the neural ectoderm, the neural folds, to elevate upwards and fuse along the dorsal midline of the embryo. We have previously shown that members of the claudin protein family are required for the early phases of chick neural tube closure. Claudins are transmembrane proteins, localized in apical tight junctions within epithelial cells where they are essential for regulation of paracellular permeability, strongly involved in apical-basal polarity, cell-cell adhesion, and bridging the tight junction to cytoplasmic proteins. Here we explored the role of Claudin-3 (Cldn3), which is specifically expressed in the non-neural ectoderm. We discovered that depletion of Cldn3 causes folic acid-insensitive primarily spinal neural tube defects due to a failure in neural fold fusion. Apical cell surface morphology of Cldn3-depleted non-neural ectodermal cells exhibited increased membrane blebbing and smaller apical surfaces. Although apical-basal polarity was retained, we observed altered Par3 and Pals1 protein localization patterns within the apical domain of the non-neural ectodermal cells in Cldn3-depleted embryos. Furthermore, F-actin signal was reduced at apical junctions. Our data presents a model of spina bifida, and the role that Cldn3 is playing in regulating essential apical cell processes in the non-neural ectoderm required for neural fold fusion.

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